The Domination of Jason

Female Domination
Young Femdom
About Mule
Essays on female domination
Thought du Jour
Posting on the Internet

Chapter 5

That weekend, I was over Debbie's house with an overnight bag full of rubber items. Before getting into my things, Debbie gave me a tour of her house and how she had arranged things. In her kitchen, for example, was a butcher block which she had redesigned into a punishment block. She took down some paintings to reveal tie-down points. She even showed me how she could rig up a block and tackle to suspend someone from the ceiling. Before we left her playroom, she showed me her `toybox.' She grabbed a dildo out of it, and we continued back to the kitchen.

When we got back into the kitchen for our tea, she handed me an object, the function of which I could hardly imagine. "Before we begin, I'd like to give you a little gift."

I giggled, "OK, Debbie, what's this, a dog leash for gerbils?"

"Good guess!" she laughed. "It's a cock ring." She then went on to explain how to put it on, and how it would `accentuate' his erection and balls. "And when you're done, you can attach a leash on this ring. You can then lead Jason around by his penis. It's sort of a physical symbolism -- women have been leading men around by their cocks since the beginning of time. As I always say, `Control the cock, control the boy.' I have a lot of other `toys' which I'll show you at some other time."

"Speaking of controlling cocks," I interjected, "you haven't even shown me how to use the stuff I got yet."

"Exactly, show me what you've got!"

I emptied the contents of my overnight bag onto her table.

"The thing you want to do with this stuff is to drive Jason into lust, and then dispair. Show him you control his sexual pleasure at your whim. Best of all, all of this is so mechanical on your part. You can be a 'tease machine' with almost no effort at all."

"OK," Debbie said, "let's start with the bathing caps. It doesn't take too much imagination to figure out what to do with a bathing cap. Does it?"

"No, I imagine you simply put it over his cock and rub it up.", I said.

"Did you ever actually do that with a man?"

"Well (pause) no.", I stammered. "But how hard can it be?"

"You can make it very hard," she said, laughing at her own pun. "But seriously, you really have to be careful not to hurt the penis. If the cap has a rough interior, you will have to rub gently, especially at the start."

"Why at the start?"

"Well, the rubber is going to grab at his penis. This is a good thing. It tickles it into a tremendous hard-on. Once he starts leaking precome, it's a whole different experience. Just a drop or two will have his prick sliding around all over the inside of the cap."

"I'd demonstrate with the toy," she said, tapping the dildo with her finger, "but it's not fully functional in this regard."

"Once you get him to lubricate your toy with his, you can get more aggressive. Don't just rub in the same spots. Try to use his prick to spread the semen over every square inch of the inside of the cap. Use the cap to spread his precome over every bit of his cock."

"Stretch the cap tightly over his prick like you are trying to poke it through the cap. Don't do it too hard. You don't want to hurt him, but you'd be surprised how hard and firm erections can get. He'll just love the feel of the expanding rubber over his cock. Another nice things about bathing caps is that you can measure how much he squirts. That's one way to tell if he's been cheating on you."

"OK", I nodded.

"Also be sure", Debbie continued, "that you avoid caps with sharp seams. I try not to buy them at all. If I have to, then I turn the cap inside out, put it over a block of wood, and sand away the ridge with sandpaper. Generally, I just use my trusty old Speedos. I can really feel the prick through the latex."

"Jason picked up one for me at the sports shop." I said, picking it up still in the package. "I also found the cap I bought for our vacation in Mexico last year. Can I use it?" I picked it out of the pile for her inspection. It was a very feminine looking cap with leaves and petals and flowers all over the outside.

"This is great, girl. This," she said, shaking the cap in her hand, "is a great erection holder. Get rid of this chin strap. Instead, make a couple of daisy chains out of rubber bands and loop them into the snaps. Turn the cap inside out, and place it over Jason's cock and balls. Put the rubber band chains around his legs, and snap them to the cap.

"What this does is wrap his penis completely in rubber. When he gets excited, his penis will twitch. When it twitches, it rubs itself into the rubbery folds. This excites it some more, and causes it to twitch again. It will keep Jason hard for as long as you want with absolutely no work on your part. You can put him `in the bag' for hours, and he'll still have a beautifully hard cock for you to play with."

"I suggest you dress Jason up like this when you have him clean the bathroom or perform his other household chores. He'll get enough movement in the cap to stroke his penis into a good erection, but the stimulation won't be enough to make him come. He'll be ready to beg you for relief when he gets done."

"An important part of training men is to keep them in a state of constant sexual excitement. In addition to using bathing caps to keep Jason at a high level of arousal, you can use it to make him bring himself to and sustain an intense level of arousal. To make Jason masturbate to the point of ejaculation without coming, have him coat he cap with his precome. He'll have to stimulate himself enough to produce precome, but stop short of actually ejaculating. You don't even have to supervise him. Just have him show you a cap where he has spread his clear, glistening precome over every square inch."

I swallowed my tea. I had never considered the possibilities. The thought of ordering Jason to maintain a state of perpetual anticipation to please me was really turning me on.


I sat there in silence digesting what I just heard. "OK, what about the other items?" I asked.

"I'll start with the sneakers since they are so easy to use. I use sneakers as sort of a reward. Rather than make a man mad with the urge for sexual release, they actually provide it. What's nice about it, is that the woman controls it."

"So, sneakers are one way to provide the pleasure you need to give them from time to time to enslave the male. They don't produce pain, unless of course, you use them as a paddle to spank him." She laughed.

"You could just throw your sneakers on the floor and let Jason hump the soles. I've done that when I'm too lazy to reward my charges. However, I usually like to get a lot more involved."

"I call the first method the `book' method." She slipped off her sneakers and demonstrated. "Hold them together by the back part sole-to-sole, with the heels towards you and the insides -- that's part that's between your legs when you wear them -- up, like this. While you have them this way, you can use them to `tickle him up.' That is, if he doesn't have an erection, you can give him one."

"Here, pretend the dildo is Jason's cock. Hold it out." I held it out, and she moved her sneakers towards it.

"Put the heels under the head of his cock and pull back slowly, letting his prick ride down into the valley at the arch, and back up the hill towards the toes -- every bit of it bouncing and rubbing its way along the herringbone patterns on the outsole. In just a couple of passes, you'll have him as hard and straight as a steel rod."

She was right. I could feel the vibrations in the rubber cock as she slid her sneakers under it.

"Now, if you open the top like a book, you form a `V.' Let his cock fall into the `V.' You can play with how wide you open the book so as to make the rubber touch his cock looser or tighter."

She adjusted the sneakers and the dildo fell into the crack so the penis was resting on the 'hinge' at the spine of the book. She indicated the area that corresponded to the ball of her foot and she called it the 'working rubber' explaining that it was the part of the sneaker where masturbation takes place.

"You can let him hump the soles, or you can bind him, and provide all the rubbing yourself. Just move the sneakers back and forth letting his cock slide along the sole like a piston."

I noticed how she opened the book slightly on the push stroke so the penis could slide forward freely, and closed it slightly on the pull stroke so the working rubber grabbed at the penis head.

She handed over the sneakers and took the cock. "Now you try it." She gave me a couple of minutes of practice and coaching. "Atta girl, you got it. You'll love it. You'll have a perfect view of Jason's penis when he comes."


We put the water on for another cup of tea.

"I like to call the next technique the `total control method' because the man's ejaculation is entirely under the control of the woman. To do it, you want to make a `penis sandwich' with your sneakers. Here, hold out that dildo again."

She held one of her sneakers at the end uppers up, and her other sneaker at the end, soles up. She held them so that they were pointing to each other toe to toe. She nodded at me, and I picked up the dildo, ready to play the role of the hapless male.

"Put one sneaker under the head of his penis, sole up, and the other one on top of it with the sole resting just behind the head."

"The next part takes some practice. Use the top sneaker to move the penis in a side-to-side motion, while rubbing it with the bottom sneaker along the shaft in a girl-to-boy motion. The net result is a circular motion which no penis can resist. You control the pressure. You control the tempo. The man does absolutely nothing at all. Once you get the hang of it, it's so easy and quick. You'll have him coming in less than a minute, and at exactly the moment you want."

Again, I was given the opportunity to practice. I couldn't wait to try it on Jason. "It gets better once Jason provides some biologically induced lubrication for you." Debbie advised.


"The final sneakering technique I call `walking the dog.' In this one, you use your feet instead of your hands. Just wear your sneakers as you normally do, and have Jason sit on a chair facing you with his legs wide open. Put your feet in his crotch with your heels against his balls."

"You seem to have a normal size foot for a woman, and if Jason is average size, the head of his penis will be at the balls of your feet. Simply peddle his cock from foot to foot. You'll literally have him coming at your feet!"

"You can also use sneakers for intense anticipation training. Let him play with himself. Give him run of your closet. Tell him you want him to coat every sole of every sneaker with precome. Don't give him permission to ejaculate. It will keep him busy for hours while you can attend to something more relaxing. In fact, he may never complete the task. If you have enough sneakers, the first pair will be dry before he finishes the last."

"Another nice thing about sneakers is that they are everywhere. Do you think that after you start sneakering Jason that he will ever be able to look at you or any other woman wearing a pair, and not get a hard on? Think of it -- the secretaries in his office on 'casual day.' a housewife in the supermarket, a teenage girl going to school, even little girls playing in the park are going to remind him of this part of his sexual servitude."

"The one thing you didn't get in our practice demonstrations here," Debbie cautioned, "is lubrication. Even a dry penis has less friction than the rubber-to-rubber contact between the dildo and the soles of the sneakers. You'll learn how to play with varying pressures during the very first session, I'm sure."


"OK, that leaves the rubber ball." I said, refilling my tea.

"The ball takes special care. Bathing caps provide erections, sneakers get him off. A rubber ball, if used properly will drive him crazy. It's very effective, but it is very woman-intensive. You'll have to put a lot of work into this one, but it's worth it."

"To do it properly, you'll need to understand a little of the anatomy of the male reproductive system."

"The two parts of the penis you are interested in are on opposite ends. At the very base of the penis, where the scrotum is attached, is a sphincter-like muscle that holds back urine, and also holds back semen just prior to the ejaculation. I suggest you experiment with Jason and find out exactly where this muscle is. It's the key to penis control. Massaging this muscle will cause ejaculation if the penis is aroused enough. However, we want to use it for exactly the opposite purpose."

"Just before ejaculation, this muscle tightens in anticipation. The amount of tightness and just how it will feel to you varies from man to man. In other words, you'll have to figure out for yourself, using repeated experimentation, what Jason's 'flash point' is. Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right on the first couple of tries."

Grab Jason's penis with your left hand. Make a tight ring with your thumb and middle finger. This will trap more blood in the organ and make it firmer and more sensitive. Take your index finger and place it on the muscle. This is your feedback mechanism so you will know when you are getting him close to ejaculation."

"The other end of the penis is the head. As you look at it straight-on you'll see a pair of 'cheeks' at the 5- and 7-o'clock positions. This is where you want to work the ball."

"There are two basic rubbing techniques. In technique one, you start by pushing the ball against his pee hole and giving it a few twists. This serves two purposes: it stimulates him, and it picks up some precome to use as a lubricant. Next rub the ball back and forth along the underside of the shaft, gently nicking the cheeks."

"Do this until you feel him about to come, or a drop of precome appears. If your left index finger tells you he is about to come, ease up. Continue gently rubbing just the shaft for about 15 seconds. Then move onto rubbing technique two."

"Whenever you see precome, you can switch to the other technique."

"Technique two starts the same as technique one. Push the ball against the pee hole and twist. This time spiral out from the pee hole spreading the precome in little circles on the head until you are almost running the ball around the ridges at the edge of the head. Then spiral slowly back in. Stop at the pee hole, give the ball a twist, and shift back to rubbing technique one."

"It may take about a couple of attempts to get it down, but once you get good at it, you can have Jason dripping with anticipation in less than a minute, and you can keep him on the edge of orgasm for as long as you want."


I was amazed. "How did you ever learn how to do this?"

"Well, I first put rubber to penis when I was a little girl. I managed to make a couple of men come this way when I was in college, but I didn't really perfect the technique until a couple of years ago. I guess you can say it's a life time's work."

I looked at the ball I was holding. I looked down my legs at my sneakers. I had never realized how much power I had at my hands and feet!

end of female domination, femdom story